Memberi kejutan kepada rekan anda! Kirimkan pesan anda dengan fancy characters, picticons, emoticons dan special characters lainnya di EMAIL, SMS (GSM only), IM and PIN messages dan status profile BBM anda!
Setelah diinstal, anda bisa insert fancy special characters di pesan anda, tunjukan ekspresi anda dengan tepat dan lebih ceria dengan teman dan keluarga anda dengan emoticons, bendera dan special characters lainnya.
Aplikasi tersebut telah menyediakan ratusan special characters untuk BlackBerry anda, anda tidak perlu lagi copy paste dari tempat lainnya. Gunakan fancy characters dari ratusan koleksi icon di aplikasi tersebut dengan mudah! Download Fancy Characters Aplikasi ini hanya berlaku 3 hari, kalo mau full silahkan request langsung ke saya
Tutorial Opera Mini 5.1 untuk BlackBerry Internet Service (Full Service)
Anda pernah memperhatikan kalau pake Opera Mini 5.1 pulsa Anda tetap berkurang walau sudah berlangganan BIS Full Service?, ternyata secara default Opera Mini tidak memakai APN yang disediakan oleh BIS ( tapi memakai APN tersendiri.
Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk membuat Opera Mini 5.1 memakai APN Blackberry/BIS. Jika Opera Mini 5.1 dalam keadaan terinstall dan mengurangi pulsa, silahkan uninstall/remove Software Opera mini 5.1 melalui :
Option => Applications => Opera Mini => klik Menu BB dan pilih "Delete".
Restart BB dengan Alt+Shift+Del atau dengan batre pull
Begitu BB up, masuk ke Option => Advance Option => Service Book => Provisioning [PROVISIONING] => Klik menu BB pilih “View” => Klik menu BB pilih “Show HRT” => Klik Menu BB lagi dan pilih “Register Now”. Note : Provisioning ada 2, “Provisioning [PROVISIONING]” dan “Provisioning [OTASL]” jangan salah pilih.
Restart BB dengan Alt+Shift+Del atau dengan batre pull
Setelah Restart, Silahkan install lagi Opera Mini 5.1 langsung dari lewat browser BB.
Saya mengalami masalah dengan Blackberry, ketika mau mengganti ringtone alias mengedit profil, masalah ini muncul. Bisa anda bayangkan, mungkin anda juga akan sedikit kesal apabila anda sudah bosan ingin mengganti setelan ringtone, dan settingan profil lainnya.
Masalah ini timbul setelah saya meng Upgrade Aplikasi bernama Nimbuss, ternyata aplikasi ini masih ada Bugs nya. Maka solusinya segeralah hapus Aplikasi Nimbus dari Blackberry Kesayangan Anda.
Kemudian Restart, maka Profil Blackberry anda kembali bisa di edit dan anda langsung bisa mengganti ringtone dengan pilihan anda.
BBM Display Picture Tidak Tampil Broadcast Hoax + Alternatif Solusi untuk Memunculkan Kembali Profile Picture BBM
BlackBerry Profile Picture anda tidak tampil?
Kami juga menerima banyak broadcast yang tidak benar seperti dibawah ini:
“Jika pic profil Anda tidak berubah, ini adalah pemilik whyyy .. BlackBerry. Pesan ini untuk menginformasikan semua pengguna kami, bahwa server kami baru saja benar-benar penuh, jadi kami meminta bantuan Anda untuk memperbaiki masalah ini. Kita perlu pengguna aktif kami untuk mengirim ulang pesan ini ke semua orang pada daftar kontak Anda untuk mengkonfirmasi pengguna aktif kami yang menggunakan BlackBerry Messenger, jika Anda tidak mengirim pesan ini ke semua kontak BlackBerry Messenger maka account Anda akan tetap aktif dengan konsekuensi kehilangan semua kontak Anda”
JANGAN percaya broadcast pesan tersebut karena tidak masuk akal.
Memang server RIM cukup lemot beberapa hari ini dalam update status picture / avatar di BlackBerry Messenger. Namum dengan broadcast message tersebut tidak akan membantu server yang lemot. Account BBM anda adalah sesuai dengan BIS yang anda daftarkan dan tidak mungkin RIM akan sembarangan hapuskan contacts anda.
Jika anda meragu contacts anda bisa hilang, backup saja ke media card anda. Tentunya juga backup via email / remotely
Seperti yang kami pernah posting di BBM Profile Pic tdk tampil baca:
Sensor lampu keypad BB ternyata bisa buat ngukur temperatur badan.
caranya gini : Dilayar phone tekan , 4*3*, tempelin ke dahi atau ketiak selama 4-6 detik, terus untuk tahu derajatnya, pencet "P" . mudah2an bermanfaat dan kasi tau yg lain . Canggih ¥ǟ
Tips agar BB kita gak lemot dan kinerjanya tetap lancar dan stabil, karena BB bukan HP biasa, tetapi sebuah Smartphone. Tips ini berlaku untuk semua type BB, baik Curve, Pearl, Bold maun Storm. Berikut tips nya :
1. Usahakan tiap 2-3 hari sekali, cabut/lepas batere BB, dan diamkan selama 1-2 menit, ini fungsinya untuk membuang dan menghapus sisa-sisa file yg tidak terpakai akibat proses chatting maupun browsing.
2. Lakukan secara rutin Clear Log Event dengan cara tekan tombol ALT+L G L G..akan muncul dilayar hasil log,tekan tombol logo BB,pilih Clear Log (jk bhs inggris), atau bersihkan Log (jk bhs indonesia), tekan Delete.
3. Lakukan juga secara rutin Cleaning Memory, dgn cara, pilih Options, Security Options, Cleaning Memory, tekan tombol logo BB,pilih Clean Now.
4. Tiap 2-3 hari sekali,lakukan Host Routing Table, dengan cara pilih Options, Advanced Options, pilih Host Routing Table, tekan tombol logo BB ,pilih Register Now.
5. Dan setelah step ke 4 diatas, lakukan juga tiap 2-3 hari sekali Diagnostic Test, ini sangat penting. Karena lwt inilah kelihatan dilayar apakah BB kita terkoneksi semua,baik PIN, Register maupun koneksi Email. Dengan cara, pilih Options, Mobile Network, setelah itu tekan logo BB,pilih Diagnostic Test, lalu tekan lagi tombol logo BB,pilih RUN,biarkan sampai proses berjalan Completed, jika hasil proses ada yg Abort,ulangi lg agar hasil jgn sampai ada yang Abort..
Itulah tips agar kinerja BB kita lancar, stabil dan tidak lemot. Semoga bermanfaat..Ingat, tips diatas bukan cuma diusahakan dilakukan, tetapi harus, agar BB lancar dan tidak lemot..Karena BB bukan HP GSM biasa..BB (Blackberry) adalah Smartphone..
This problem is about how to save Battery life on BlackBerry handset. Some cases happen when you have email retrieval rate, suddenly the Battery life will go down.
As we know that, First, email likely isn’t your problem. Second, battery life depends on a number of factors. Third, the most common reason for short battery life is probably third-party and add-on applications that are left running and are hitting the network repeatedly. And some of these are set by default to run in the background when closed instead of truly closing. This is what you need to look at first. And, also, make sure you don’t leave the browser open to an active page.
The stopwatch is useful and necessary, especially when you’re active sports, especially running sports. Well here are a few options stopwatch application for your Blackberry.
Vorino Timer Stopwatch – This application is available with unique features
Stopwatch by Handango – stopwatch application this one comes with a control button
Stopwatch 2 – Very compatible with Blackberry with accuracy up to 100%
Stop Watch – can function as a Multi-Function Watch
You can try downloading the above stopwatch application via Blackberry App World on your Blackberry.
You must be familiar with the game Guitar Hero or Band Hero? Well, Game for the Blackberry called DJ Hero has almost the same gameplay with two games above. DJ Hero in you must be a reliable DJ. Unsparing in this latest Blackberry Games you’ll enjoy the tracks from The Jackson 5, Third Eye Blind, Marvin Gaye, to David Bowie, Weezer, and Dilated Peoples. We can download this game via Blackberry Blackberry App World directly from your BB.
This tutorial is about problem onbattery life especially BlackBerry 9630. It indicates by decreasing Battery power suddenly to 15 percents. You can solve this problem by using another battery. But make sure your charger is working. If you are using USB, rule out a problem with the cable or the USB port. Etc.
Another problem is that it sounds like the battery is wearing out or beginning to fail. If it is happening day after day and you have ruled out apps running and the device constantly in and out of signal range, you would try another battery.
Another problem on Internet Connection especially when you are connecting to Internet through Wi Fi. But you are not receiving your e-mail, can’t use the messenger, and can’t use the browser.
If your BB is not for international use, then you are probably out of luck. You need BB data to get those 3 RIM related services…WiFi could work if you have the proper service books, but it seems that your carrier or your company nixed that also.
Problems in BlackBerry SD Cardusually happens when you want to add some files but the SD Card indicates full when it is empty. This problem on BlackBerry SD Card can be solved by formatting the card once it is in your phone. Before formatting you may want to run the repair function. Look in options > memory > menu > repair.
You can try also to enable Mass Storage mode on the BlackBerry or MTP. To activate Mass Storage you can go to Options -> Memory. You can enable mass storage mode in options, then drag and drop the files from the computer folder to the music folder on the microSD card.
When the lights go out, might have thoughts of you to be able to use your BlackBerry as a Flashlight or flashlight. Well, here are some options that you can install applications on the BlackBerry that will make you as a Blackberry or Lampur Flashlight Flashlight.
OneTouch Flashlight - Flashlight simplest application in the Blackberry but can certainly help you when the lights die
ColorLight - this one is perfect if you want to change the color-change LED lamp or trackpad. Are compatible with the Blackberry 88xx series, 83xx, 81xx, 82xx, 8900, 9000, 9630, 85x0, and of course the Blackberry Storm.
Radical Flashlight - the first time designed for the Blackberry Storm, but is now available for Blackberry 9700, Tour 9630, Curve 8900 and Bold 9650.
You're bored with a crank call that was always just go into your Blackberry? Now, an application called Block Calls will provide convenience to you for memblock phone that is not important. To block a phone in Blackberry by Block Calls you can manually enter the number you want on the block or you can also take from the phonebook. You can try downloading Block Calls via Blackberry App World on your Blackberry.
Otoritas Uni Emirat Arab menegaskan bahwa salah satu alasan pemblokiran layanan BlackBerry di negeri kaya minyak itu lantaran adanya kekhawatiran bahwa data yang bersifat rahasia bakal diakses oleh mata-mata Amerika Serikat dan Israel. Karenanya, pemerintah UEA mencurigai BlackBerry merupakan alat AS dan Israel untuk melancarkan aksi spionase.
BlackBerry dicurigai menjadi alat mata-mata Amerika
Kepala Kepolisian DUbai, Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, menyatakan, ada kecurigaan bahwa AS dan Israel mengakses data pengguna BlackBerry. “Amerika Serikat adalah penerima manfaat utama karena tidak memiliki kontrol atas BlackBerry, dan mempunyai keinginan untuk memata-matai UEA,” kata Dhahi Khalfan Tamim seperti dimuat harian Al-Khaleej yang dikutip REUTERS, Minggu (5/9).
“Pihak Barat menuduh kami membatasi kebebasan pengguna BlackBerry, sementara Amerika, Israel, Ingggris dan negara-negara lain diijinkan mengakses semua data yang ditransfer,” tambah Tamim.
Namun Tamim yang pernah secara terang-terangan menuduh agen Israel sebagai pembunuh pentolan militan Palestina di sebuah hotel di Dubai pada bulan Januari, tidak mengatakan mengapa Washington memiliki kepentingan dalam memata-matai UEA. Padahal, selama ini UEA memiliki hubungan baik dengan Barat.
Negeri kaya di Timur Tengah itu memiliki 500.000 pengguna BlackBerry. Namun pemerintah UEA akan menangguhkan fitur BlackBerry Messenger, email dan layanan browser Web mulai 11 Oktober mendatang, sampai pemerintah bisa mendapatkan akses ke pesan yang dienkripsi. Aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger telah menyebar dengan cepat di kawasan Teluk yang kaya karena menjadi pusat bisnis itu. Tapi karena datanya dienkripsi dan dikirim ke server di luar negeri, maka data tersebut tidak dapat dilacak secara lokal.
Ini pula yang telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran di negara-negara Teluk yang sadar akan keamanan, terutama di UAE dan Arab Saudi. Menurut para pengamat, kurangnya akses terhadap data BlackBerry bakal membatasai kemampuan negeri Arab itu untuk menemukan mata-mata, pembunuh ataupun kelompok militan Islam.
These settings will enable your Bluetooth technology to send and receive files especially for Curve 8520. Some problems appear when you have paired the BlackBerry but when you try to send something it says unable to connect.
You can solve this unable to connect Bluetooth problem using steps below: On the Homescreen, click the Media icon. Click a media type. Press the Menu key. Click Receive Using Bluetooth. Send a media file from the paired Bluetooth enabled device. If necessary, click Yes. Click Save
Once you have experienced upset because it is always receiving Email, nah an interesting application StopMail Pro will provide more flexibility to you to block incoming email, without needing you delete an email on your BB. So you will not interfere with incoming emails. You can try downloading via the Blackberry App StopMail World Pro directly from your Blackberry.
This tutorial is about how to install the new OS on BlackBerry handset. Some users don’t know how to install OS on their BlackBerry. You can use these steps to install BlackBerry OS.
The steps in installing new OS on BlackBerry: 1. Go to and download and install Desktop Manager. The link at the blackberry site may say desktop software, I’m not sure.
2. You’ll need to execute the OS software, not just download it.
3. Launch Desktop Manager and connect your blackberry. You’ll be prompted to update the software. Make sure you elect to do a full backup. If you don’t see the option to do that, cancel out, run the full backup, then run the update again.
If you are again searching the Qur’an application for Blackberry, here are some alternative choices of Application of Al-Quran for Blackberry Bold, Blackberry Curve or Blackberry Storm you.
UQur’an: Micro Quran Reciter – This application has audio recital and of course the translation into English
Quran – Al-Qu’ran One application that has a high enough rating Blackberry App World, letter-riots Qur’an can be read with clear and translation is also available in Indonesian.
Quran Reader – Application for Blackberry Qur’an has been supporting the Indonesian.
This problem happens when you want to replay MMS on BlackBerry handset. Usually it indicates by error replaying and nothing goes through. You can solve this MMS problem using these tips:
You can delete your Service Books and re-register the device. Just Go to Options->Advanced Options->Host Routing Table. Now, you can Press the BB Menu key and select Register Now.
A Twitter application on BlackBerrynow available for newest update Seesmic v. 1.4.1, in this latest version Seesmic have some features such as: sounds notification which is available for BlackBerry Sound App, supports Ping Fm, Tweet notifications, Replies and DM or Direct Message and there are some newly outlooks on User Interface.
You can download this Seesmic Twitter application on BlackBerry using App World directly from your BB handset.
This tutorial is abouthow to view your BlackBerry SMS on PC or Laptop. Supposed that you want to view all your message so you can translate directly to your preferred language, so you can do this by using several steps below.
It is simple in viewing all SMS message on your PC. You can use Blackberry Desktop Software to backup your BB. download magicberry []
Install and launch magicberry and browse to the download folder and you can read all your sms messages.
This syncing problem happens because you usually have more than one calendar on your BlackBerry. Make sure you are entering your entries into the Calendar you are synching with Google Sync.
You can use these steps to configure your Calendar: 1. Start Google Sync, the go into Options 2. Srcroll down to the bottom, where it says Sync These Calendars, and click on that 3. Make note of what email is under: Add new events to… 4. Make note of what email is under My Calendars, and if it is checked. 5. Get out of Google Sync 6. Find BB Options -> Advanced Options -> Default Services, and note the 2 email addresses
Who knew the same gk IRC? Before YM membooming, IRC has become the king who rules the world per-chatingan’s. In IRC you can chat with people from all over the world. Well, you missed kalao want an IRC chat on your BlackBerry, then an application called Chatmosphere will provide convenience to you to be able to chat on IRC. You can find friends are invited for a chat, which is available through the Chatroom. So, do not forget to download Chatmosphere directly from your BB via the Blackberry App World. Readmore IRC chat on Blackberry with Chatmosphere
Another problem on BlackBerry message is aboutundeleting message problems. Usually you can not erase a message from the handset. The email account usually shows negative count and reset to zero. You can solve this error message problem using these steps.
These steps to solve rogue new message on your home screen, negative count or even reset to zero problems:
1. Open your main Messages folder and highlight today’s date, click the menu key and select Mark Prior Opened. 2. Hard Reset the BlackBerry by holding ALT, CAP (right Shift key), and DEL (or with the BlackBerry powered ON, remove the battery and reinserting the battery) 3. View Messages > Saved Messages
This tutorial is about how to transferring contacts using Bluetooth device.In order to transfer via Bluetooth you need to pair your Device first. The following steps will set your BlackBerry to transfer contacts via Bluetooth.
The steps to Bluetooth your contacts from BlackBerry to another device: 1. Pair up your BB with other new device “Could be New BB device or any other cell phone”.
2. Once its paired up, in your “bluetooth paired device” list scroll down to your paired new BB/New Cell device.
This tutorial is about how toset different color on your SMS and Email Account. As we know that PIN messages have different color (red) to email, and (black) to SMS Messages. But how to customize these message? You can find solution by using these steps.
Basically, the only setting I’ve found is Messages> Options> General Options> Display PIN Messages in Red, you can select yes or no. You can customize the led setting by using third party apps such as Berry Buzz. You can customize the LED color for different events/apps/contacts/etc. Readmore Setting Color SMS
This tutorial is about how toset different color on your SMS and Email Account. As we know that PIN messages have different color (red) to email, and (black) to SMS Messages. But how to customize these message? You can find solution by using these steps.
Basically, the only setting I’ve found is Messages> Options> General Options> Display PIN Messages in Red, you can select yes or no. You can customize the led setting by using third party apps such as Berry Buzz. You can customize the LED color for different events/apps/contacts/etc. Readmore Setting Color SMS
This tutorial explains about failing to back up your files on BlackBerry handset. Usually it indicates by red light stays on then the BlackBerry logo comes up and it goes to load but it loads only a tiny bit then it does the same process over and over again.
You can fix this backing up problem using steps as follows. Once you boot up in safe mode, do a backup with Desktop Manger. Download and install Desktop Manager from Then wipe the blackberry with JL_CMDER. See the two articles at if you need instruction. Readmore Backup Files Problem
A Twitter application for BlackBerry that Seesmic is now available in the latest update version of the Seesmic v1.4.1, the latest version of Seesmic has undergone some repair and improvement of which is the notification sounds now available in the Blackberry “Sound” App, has been supporting Ping.Fm, the notification to the latest Tweet, DM aka replies to Direct Message and some improvements in the user interface. Download Seesmic for Blackberry via Blackberry App World directly at your BB. Readmore Download Seesmic : Twitter application on the Blackberry
ThisApps connection problemusually happens when you install the latest update onto your BlackBerry phone. You can connect to the internet using the browser but the Apps will not. You can solve this Apps problem using steps below. Readmore Problems in Connecting Apps
This BB Message issue is aboutred x signs when your friends send BBM on your phone. This red x indication will impact on their BBM sending. Usually they have Red X all the time so they can’t or don’t send you a message You can solve this red x issue when sending BBM by using steps as follow. Readmore Red X Problem in Sending BBM
An interesting application that has been supporting Blackberry 6 ie Shortcut Manager will provide convenience to you to create a shortcut on your Blackberry homescreen, especially if you use the latest Blackberry Torch. Shortcut Manager to create a shortcut to SMS, Email, PIN, Website, Phone Call even up to the video, and MP3. Other features of the Shortcut Manager can we change the name of the shortcut that we created, we can also change the icon and of course changing the rollover from the shortcut. You could try downloading a Shortcut Manager via the Blackberry App World directly at your Blackberry Torch. Readmore Download Application for Blackberry Torch: Shortcut Manager
Another problem regarding USB Charger is about USB port. Some BlackBerry need to use USB port to charge. Usually you should charge via a USB port. You can try to use USB Charger that same with the output in the same range as a USB port.
By using same output in the same ranges as USB port, you can plug a USB cable directly into the charger. You don’t need to charge using Laptop or PC again. Readmore Solution for USB charge
Just bought a Blackberry Storm? Here is a list of some interesting applications to be installed on your Blackberry Storm. Do not forget, applications, below you can get directly through the BlackBerry App World on your BB.
Viigo – Application of this one will make it easier for you to access the RSS Reader, to sports schedules, football standings from leagues such as the world’s top English Premier League, Italian League until the Spanish League. Readmore Interesting applications for the Blackberry Storm
Bored with the ability and appearance of the original Blackberry Media Player? And want to find the best alternative that can be installed on your Blackberry? Hypoxia Media Player can be used as an alternative to replace the default Blackberry Media Player. Readmore Streaming Music and Videos on Blackberry with Hypoxia Media Player
Now what the hell are ga this possible? Free Calls? might aja ... of course by using the application on the Blackberry TringMe allows us to be able to communicate Voip (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a free Calls via WiFi and 3G. But surely there must be a hotspot facility, you can take advantage of free access in (Tasikmalaya Siliwangi University) campus ye, cafe, mall, and others. Immediate Download via Blackberry App World TringMe directly from your Blackberry. Sekarang ini apa sih yang ga mungkin? Nelpon Gratis? bisa-bisa aja...tentunya dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi TringMe di Blackberry memungkinkan kita dapat melakukan komunikasi Voip (Voice Over Internet Protocol) yaitu nelpon gratis via Wifi dan 3G. Tetapi tentunya harus ada fasilitas Hotspot, kamu bisa memanfaatkan akses gratis di (Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya) kampus kamu, cafe, Mall, dan lain sebagainya. Segera Download TringMe via Blackberry App World langsung dari Blackberry kamu.
Everything is new in the Android Market and 50,000 applications it is difficult to know what is best, so let’s make a list of useful and free
The first application is curiously need an application to close and save battery applications, then you choose the one you like more:
Kill APP
APP Manager
Kill Tash
Power Manager
Advanced Task Manager
Battery Widget
Useful Switchers
Instant messaging applications with support for multiple networks such as Skype, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, MySpace IM, Google Talk, Jabber and ICQ. With a WiFi connection you can make free VoIP calls to Skype, Google, Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger.
* Meebo IM * Nimbuzz * ISkoot For Skype
My favorite for gamers are the following applications:
* Nesoid (Nintendo NES Emulator) works at 90fps in full screen with audio support and lets you save at any time. * Kidd GBC (Game Boy Emulator) works at 10fps and has no audio support. Hope will be updated soon. * PAC-MAN from NAMCO original and free, * Chess for Android, Labyrinth Lite Satio similar to the * JOYity and YouCath * CommBattle deadmatch
For those who can not live without music:
* TuneWiki: Find the lyrics of the songs and shows it while playing the song * Ringdroid: Editor and WAV music files to create MP3 ringtones and alarms * Shazam: Like the Sony Ericsson TrackID is an identifier of song, artist, title, album, year, etc. * DroidLive: Thousands of radio stations online (live streaming). M3u formats are supported, pls, mp3, mp4, mp4a and mpeg. * Spotify: millions of songs online (live streaming) unlimited access to all your music and even offline mode, requires a Premium account. * Pandora: Create a playlist of songs and artists that you listen to online. * Streaming Stations
Office applications, GPS and Internet
* Documents To Go: allows files to open and view Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF files. It also supports Office 2007 formats, password-protected files and is compatible with GMail. I need to buy the full version to edit and save files. * Scan2PDF Mobile: Turn any image taken with the camera to PDF format * WikiMobile: Wikipedia on your Xperia X10 * Opera Mini * The Weather Channel * AndNav: Free GPS * Locale: Through GPS everyone will know you are doing. Integra your GPS to Twitter * Wertago / Sherpa: NEAR ME Similar to Sony Ericsson, based on GPS allows you to find routes, bars, cinemas, theaters, restaurants. * WpToGo: WordPress in your Xperia, create, edit and delete entries, supports text, images and tagss, preview and manage accounts posts * Aldiko: Virtual Book Reader * AndFTP: Allows connections to TFP accounts for backup and violcado of files, photos, videos, music, etc.. Anywhere and to any server. * Astro File Manager: File Manager, including ZIP files. * BeebPlayer All content BBC iPlayer on your Xperia X10
For those of us who love photography:
* Photoshop Android * Photo Effects, * Snap Photo Pro * PicSAY, * Comeks Fun Photo Blogger * Color Pop
Security and Personalization:
* BioWallet: Biometric Authentication, using the iris of the eye taken from a photograph as a password. It is also an administrator password, digital signature and encryption of documents. It is very useful if you have good memory. * Ahome: full visual customization, you can install themes and widgets with new icons, wallpapers, screen new tabs, menus, fonts, widgets, docks and more for your Xperia X10 * Anycut: Create a shortcut to any function. * FlyScreen: Allows you to customize the home screen widgets blocked * WaveSecure (Android Developer Challenge in March since 2009) allows you to backup all data and remotely destroy all confidential information if lost or stolen. * MyBackup Pro: Creates backup applications, contacts, call logs, bookmarks, SMS and MMS, mobile configuration, alarms, in a secure online server or SD card, and periodically and automatically. Sony Ericsson also has its own site to create backups of your Xperia X10 and it’s free, you just need to register. * Pintail / MobileDefense: Find your Xperia X10 misplaced or lost. Sending an SMS with your PIN will receive an SMS with geo-location data and a Google map. * Moov: Search. Just type a letter showing all files, images, music, videos, contacts, applications and games that begin with that letter. * Atrackdog: Manage the status of the applications installed on your Xperia X10 and notifies you if new updates, besides that it gives you a report of the most popular applications Android Market * Phonealyzr: Statistics of your Xperia X10 * Sweetdreams (1 post Android Developer Challenge 2009). helps you configure your Xperia X10 as you want, the options are endless. An example is that the level of volume / brightness will change according to time, GPS position or activity that is carrying the user. * Keyboards: Keyboard Better
If you're a user especially the Blackberry Bold Blackberry Bold 9700, here is a list of 10 Best Applications for your Blackberry Bold 9700. Google Map - Google Maps application from this will make you know where your position, or your friend is right now. Ascendo Data Vault - an application to protect and store important data on your BlackBerry like a password or credit card numbers. Blackberry Alerts - This one is useful for alerting you when there are new messages or missed calls Weather Eye - the application to know the weather conditions
Sometimes there are times when email was not sent back to your blackberry ... It could happen.
But usually, this is because: 1. abis upgrade 2. device transfer / change device 3. wipe handheld and there may be other reasons for not who keinget
Balikinnya way not too complicated ... 1. Go to Email Settings on Blackberry or PC to 2. Please login if already logged in ... and go to the Service Book 3. Then click Send Service Book 4. Should have a moment and then will appear In recent email alerts and was followed by Email2 from your Mailbox
Many are infatuated with the latest from Apple’s iPhone 4 because it looks good eye, well if you do not worry Fans loyal Blackberry with a Blackberry theme named iPlus4 you can change the look of the Blackberry as the iPhone four actually perform better and more pleasing to the eye than the eye iPhone display with 4 though. Readmore Changing Views Blackberry as the iPhone 4 with iPlus4
When you will mereinstall Blackberry OS you with the latest version, maybe you’ve any problems or errors when running AppLoader.exe to reinstall the operating system you BB. Error when going to re-install the Blackberry Operating System This can usually be resolved by deleting the files contained in folders vendor.xml AppLoader. Readmore How to Remove / Delete vendor.xml when Reinstall the latest Blackberry OS
Once upon a time you must be having a JVM error such as Error 501, Error JVM JVM Error 517 or 535, one solution that can be taken to overcome the error is to Install New Operating System on your Blackberry. Here is a brief and simple step to re-install your BB with the latest operating system. Readmore How To ReInstall Blackberry with the latest Blackberry Operating System
You have a lot of busy schedule each day and super busy so you sometimes forget to schedule that has been arranged. Well, a Blackberry application named StickyNote will help you to always remember your schedule and important notes. Readmore StickyNote: Save Important Note on Blackberry
Have you ever wanted to know how to watch DVD movies on the Blackberry? Well, besides the Blackberry as a business smartphone, is also equipped with features for entertainment purposes, such as Media Player, where you can watch your favorite movies through the Blackberry.Readmore Video Converter for Blackberry
A good news for you buff Podcasts, now whenever and wherever you are you can keep uptodate with the variety of your favorite podcasts, ranging from entertainment, film, television until international news, with an application called Blackberry Podcast. With this latest Blackberry Applications you can download, subscribe and watch your favorite podcasts on the go without the need to process the synchronization between the laptop or PC and your BB. More delicious again, with the Blackberry Podcast you can receive notifications whenever there is the latest episode of your favorite Podcasts. You can download Blackberry Blackberry Podcast from you via the Blackberry App World, do not worry Blackberry Podcast available for variants of the Blackberry Curve, Blackberry Bold, Blackberry Pearl, Blackberry Blackberry Storm up to the Tour. But if you use the latest Blackberry Operating System Blackberry six, then the Blackberry will by default this Podcast on your Blackberry.
Applications Blackberry IM + from Shape Services offers an ease in communicating all in one, where over IM + you can chat with your friends whether it be on Twitter, Windows Live Messenger, MySpace, Facebook, ICQ, Jabber and Yahoo Messenger. IM + is available in two versions of the free version or the Lite version and IM + IM + pay or Pro. For a free version of the IM + Lite now available in the latest version 8.5.1 with some improvements like the new look with new themes, refreshments in the presence of UI in terms of the TAB, and an indicator when there are new messages as well as review the history of all conversations. You can download IM + Lite via the Blackberry App World directly on your BB.
You want to know the hidden applications in Blackberry (Hidden Applications), Blackberry Tips here is an easy way to see what is hidden applications on your BB. Press the ALT key and press the Scroll, the pop-up menu that appears and then select the Show All and click the scroll wheel again. Now all the applications that are hidden will be visible. To hide it again, repeat the above steps and omit the X mark on Show All.
You get bored with an application, or you want to delete an application error and it often makes Hang your BB. To delete an application follow these simple steps:
Go to Options menu
Then Advance Option
Choose Application
After that, select the application you want to delete
Press the Menu button
Next select DELETE or Delete
Once completed you will be asked BB to reboot, select Yes.